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Turbo LED Flashlight (370 lumens) - Constant Current

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Guys, I have owned this flashlight for 10 YEARS!!! I bought it off the Snap-on truck in my home town. I still have THE SAME battery in it!! Here is a story of how tough these lights are.... I was mowing grass after work a few years ago, and it fell out of the original, worn out holster, and somehow, didn't get ran over. I couldn't find it in the yard for anything, but wasn't sure if I lost it at home, or work. I found the light the first yard mow of the season the next year, and other than the battery being dead, covered in mud, snow on the yard for a month, it still charged, and I still use it EVERY DAY!! My kids have played with it in the SWIMMING POOL AT NIGHT!! There is absolutely NO COMPETITOR to this product, hands down!!

Owensboro, Ky
Date Added: 07/18/2018 by Kenneth P.